Category Archives: parenting

Leading Moms 2015

I posted a little while ago that I wanted to revive my blog and that as part of the push to make me write more was to become a blog ambassador for the Leading Moms.
This year I get to … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, Gwen, Moms, parenting, Vancouver | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Leading Moms 2015

Happy Birthday My Beautiful Little Boy

I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that I now have a four year old. My Quinlan is now a four year old. Four sounds really old to me. Four is almost in kindergarten. Four is able to … Continue reading

Posted in Birthdays, family, Gwen, milestones, National Blog Post Month, parenting, Photography, Quinlan | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Happy Birthday My Beautiful Little Boy

CBC Food Bank Day Challenge

A week from Friday CBC has its annual food bank day where people around the province give generously to the food banks of the province. Every year since Aidan was 8 months old we have gone to the food bank … Continue reading

Posted in Aidan, Christmas, family, Gwen, parenting, Quinlan, Vancouver | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Just Put Your Shoes On

I think that I might be going crazy. Am I really asking the boys to do something horrible? Or am I asking them to put their toys away? Did I really just ask the boys at least 30 times to … Continue reading

Posted in discipline, goals, parenting, parenting mistakes, Quinlan, Toilet Training | Tagged , , | 1 Comment