A week from Friday CBC has its annual food bank day where people around the province give generously to the food banks of the province. Every year since Aidan was 8 months old we have gone to the food bank day for part of the day. It feels like the real start of Christmas to me. I love that Aidan is learning that it is good to be able to share with others. He has a philanthropy plan for The Aidan Company in the future including a work program that pays poorer people better. Quinlan isn’t quite there yet but I am planning some of the same things we do each year to make it more of a reality for him.
This year I thought I would put out a challenge to my Vancouver blogging buddies, make a donation to one of the local food banks this year. I will be making a donation. Aidan decided to take some money from his piggy bank this year. Together we can make a huge difference.
We had a food bank drive at my client’s office last week. I donated tuna, cookie snacks and beans. Hopefully never to be used together. We gathered 7 boxes of food in the drive.
Lil T and I are working on a plan to pack up some of his older toys and give them to a younger kid that needs them. It has been challenging to get his cooperation so far. I am thinking perhaps the CBC Food Bank Day might be a better start.