Category Archives: Healthy Choices

Menu Plan Monday

I decided that it is time to get back to the meal planning since things are once again becoming really busy with both Anthony’s and mine and the kids’ schedules.  Until the middle of December we have swimming Monday and … Continue reading

Posted in Healthy Choices, Healthy Eating, Menu Plan Monday, organization | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Menu Plan Monday

We do so much better in this house when we have a meal plan in place so I fully plan to re-institute Menu Plan Monday.  I liked how it helps me to get a little bit organized even if i … Continue reading

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Why I Love My Slow-Cooker:Food Revolution Fridays

I love my slow-cooker.  I don’t use it as often as I should, but when I do I love that I can go about my day and forget about supper.  I don’t have the panicky feeling around 5 o’clock saying … Continue reading

Posted in Cook Books, Healthy Choices, Healthy Eating | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Oven Baked Real Chicken Nuggets

I sometimes forget how easy it is to make real food.  Well maybe the reason I forget is because it is easy to make real food unless you are spending most of the time running through your baby gates and … Continue reading

Posted in Cooking with toddlers, Healthy Choices, Healthy Eating | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments