I decided that it is time to get back to the meal planning since things are once again becoming really busy with both Anthony’s and mine and the kids’ schedules. Until the middle of December we have swimming Monday and Wednesday mornings, kindergarten in the afternoons Monday to Friday, skating Wednesday after school, and drama classes Sunday morning. That is just Aidan and Quinlan. When you add in work, choir, meetings, church and social engagements there is not a lot of time for making meals with out a real plan.
I need meals that are easy to make, easy to make twice because Anthony and I tend to eat after the boys are in bed. At least our barbeque is back to working for now. I find cooking meat so much easier on the barbeque that I resort to take out much less.
Monday: Leftover Lasanga, garlic bread
Tuesday: Baked Fish (Tilapia or Haddock), Mashed potatoes, Steamed Veggies.
Wednesday: BBq Chicken, Basmati rice, BBq’d veggies.
Thursday: Tacos, salad
Friday: Pancakes (as long as we get a frying pan or a griddle), sausages
Saturday: Roast Beef, Rolls, Roast Potatoes and green beans
Sunday: Open
Now let us see if I can get my act together enough to actually make the meals.
I’m all about the BBQ!! We do it year round.
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