Menu Plan Monday


We do so much better in this house when we have a meal plan in place so I fully plan to re-institute Menu Plan Monday.  I liked how it helps me to get a little bit organized even if i don’t always follow it entirely.

Monday: KD and Soup.  Not the best, but I counter this with some bread from Terra Breads which makes everything much more healthy, right?

Tuesday: Spaghetti, bread and raw veggies

Wednesday: Sushi for the kids and me early and Anthony gets whatever he wants while I am at photography class.

Thursday: BBQ chicken and basmati rice with grilled vegetables

Friday: Baked Tilapia, spiced and roasted potatoes, broccoli

Saturday: Slow-cooker meatloaf, baked potatoes and some sort of vegetable.

I really hope meal planning will get me back into better eating habits.  I think the 2 and half weeks of birthday cakes along with Easter have overdosed us on sugar.

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