Category Archives: Halifax

The Halifax Explosion: Repost

I understand why for most Canadians December 6th is a day of remembrance not for a disaster that killed 2000 people in Nova Scotia, but of a mad man shooting 14 women at an engineering school in Quebec. It … Continue reading

Posted in anniversaries, Education, Halifax | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Halifax the Sunny Day and a Half in Pictures

We have been here in Halifax almost 1 week and we have had 1.5 days of sun.  I haven’t had that many opportunities to take a lot of pictures.  The few that I have taken have been at the playground … Continue reading

Posted in Aidan, Anthony, Gwen, Halifax, Quinlan | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

On the East Coast

We are now on the other coast for a month.  It has been an interesting few days full of many changes in routine, time and eating habits.  I always forget how long it takes me to adjust to the time … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Pregnancy, family, Halifax, Toilet Training | 1 Comment

Party at the Lower Deck

Hello everyone!
Anthony and I (as long as we can get the Grands to babysit) are going to be at the Lower Deck at 8 pm on Friday August 10th. Anyone in Halifax who wants to come see us is … Continue reading

Posted in Anthony, Gwen, Halifax, outings | 1 Comment