We are now on the other coast for a month. It has been an interesting few days full of many changes in routine, time and eating habits. I always forget how long it takes me to adjust to the time and eating changes. Add to this a toilet-training toddler, a second trimester pregnancy, later spring, allergies, a bigger house and a new big boy bed and you have a recipe for a bit of chaos.
My allergies in Vancouver this year have been really bad and I got a cold just before heading here to Nova Scotia. Yesterday the cold seemed to have totally cleared up but the allergies are getting worse. Added to that I am so mixed up in when I should be eating that I had my fist vomiting morning sickness ever. I have always gotten the nausea but never to the point of actually throwing up. It didn’t help that I was coughing up what was left of my lungs as well.
Aidan is adjusting to the changes really well. The first night he was in the crib in the nursery and had a hard time with the new room and a new anxiety that his dad and I would go home without him. This has since cleared up and he is now sleeping in the new big boy bed with the Thomas the Tank Engine sheet and comforter set. He has never slept in a bed so big or so high. In fact his first words when getting ready to sleep there were “This is a very big bed!” I was a little nervous about how it would go but he did ask to sleep in the big bed so I figured what the hell, let’s try it. He did pretty well the first night and last night he only cried out once and wasn’t actually awake. Anthony and I are hoping that he will be fine going back into his toddler bed when we get home. If not we will have to look into bunk beds.
The other really nice thing about being here is that the back yard is full fenced with a lot of room to run around. Well that and the sand box that grandma and grandpa bought him to play in. With the trucks he already had here Aidan is having a ball playing outside by himself. He has learned that if he wants to come in all he has to do is come up to the back door and knock. We are watching out for him, and he is having a grand time playing “On the GRASS!”
We are keeping up the toilet-training here and sometime this week or weekend we are going to try the training in underwear. He is getting a lot more consistent though a little distracted since we have been here. The bribery still seems to be working and hopefully soon we can space the bribes out a bit. I can’t keep up with the dinkies forever. 🙂
Other than a quick trip to Halifax for some expensive sushi (lunch with Nana) we have been pretty close to home, but we expect to expand that this weekend and I am hoping to have a few playdates next week with some friends. Hopefully Anthony and I will get some geocaching in and have a bit of time to take some nice pictures.
w00t! I am glad you made it and are adjusting to the time change! I do not have any kids this morning, but we will have too hook up Tuesday!!!
chelle’s last blog post: I Don’t Get it