Category Archives: Blogher

Facing My Insecurities

I am not sure if you know this, but I am a shy and insecure person. When I am in a setting where there are lots of people, even ones I know a little bit, I almost feel like I … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, Blogher, Gwen | Tagged , , , , | 7 Comments

I Dream of Sleep

I am coming up to the year and a half mark of little or no sleep.  When I do sleep it is only a few hours at a time and let me tell you I am a woman who needs … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, Blogher, Contests, Gwen, Me, sleep | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

“I Wish I Was at Blogher” BBQ and Pity Party

I joked on twitter, and at a couple of meet ups recently that we should have an “I’m not able to go to blogher for the umpteenth year in a row and I am so jealous pity party.” There actually … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, Blogher, family, Gwen, organization | Tagged , , , , , | 11 Comments

The Cutest Clutch In The World!

OMFG people, I need this beautiful computer, the HP MINI VIVIENNE TAM EDITION NOTEBOOK. Not that I don’t love my laptop, but this has got to be the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long time.  Before Christmas … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, Blogher, Gwen, tech toys | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments