Right now I am looking at a blank page. I am looking at blank page and wondering how I keep going for NaBlaPoMo. I need to write, and I like to write, but today has been a day and a half. Anthony is crazy busy at work. Quinlan and Aidan have school in two very different places at almost the same start time. Quinlan had his vaccine study appointment for a blood draw and flu shot. Our fridge was replaced today and the delivery window was 5 hours long. Anthony needed to come home for a bit because I forgot about the vaccine study appointment and because he couldn’t be home for long (see crazy busy at work) I had to get Aidan from school early.
Quinlan and the blood draw and flu vaccine. Well, there were lots of tears. Tears for the thought of loosing blood. Tears because the nurse put numbing cream and a bandage over the numbing cream. Tears when the bandage was taken off. Tears when the blood was drawn. Tears when the vaccine was given. More tears about 5 minutes later and the whole car ride home.
Aidan was quite happy to be home. He was able to make a really cool set of drawings for his Glow Book and make it look like a car was going down a road. I feel a little guilty that we needed to take him out of school so we could get our new fridge delivered, but sometimes we have to do what we have to do. I think that is my new mantra, sometimes we do what we need to do and forget about the guilt. Maybe that should be a new mantra for a lot of us.
I agree – it’s a mantra I can live with. And we’ll be having our tears over the pain of missing blood soon.