I would love to insert a joke about a nun here, but the only nun jokes I know are the dirty ones my very Catholic grandmother has told me. I will just let you know that most of them are enough to make almost anyone blush, especially when they are told by my grandmother. Did I mention that she was very Catholic and Irish? (Well Australian but that is another story I think I will tell very soon.) I am currently not writing for as many blogs and when I went from writing posts every day to three times a week I got out of the habit. I do post to twitter a lot but it isn’t the same.
I need to be writing more. I need my personal blog to be a jumping board for more writing jobs. I need my personal blog to be a portfolio as well as a personal journey as a mother with two children. I need to be working more on journaling the accomplishments of my second son as he is growing and changing so incredibly fast. I need to get into the habit of writing again. I need to get into the habit of writing better again. I don’t want all the work I have put in the last year to disappear. I want to become a better writer. I want to have more of an audience. I want to have more of a conversation with commenters. I want to have commenters period. I want to be at BlogHer next summer and be proud to talk about my blog. I know this all leads back into the writing. There will not be an audience without content and good content at that. I am not talking about search engine optimization, just good old fashioned words blending together to become something more.
So here is my pledge. I will write here much more often. I will be more honest with my writing. For family reading this may mean some posts are not going to be your cup of tea. I will endeavour to improve my writing. I will give myself more deadlines. I will write some reviews including book reviews, but I may move them over to a review blog. I will start posting to Menu Plan Monday again, though that is more for my personal organizational goals rather than any particular writing goals. I will start writing down some of our family stories. (I think they are valuable as writing exercises as well as being a history for Aidan and Quinlan.)
I know that this is not perfect and I will need to work on all aspects of my blog, but I think it is a good start.
Sounds like a good plan to me. Everyone loves to hear stories of the boys and even reviews are enjoyable. Hope it leads to something bigger and better. Go Gwen.
You go baby! All good writers use their own lives to give them a starting point and sometimes use aliases to protect the innocent.
Oh come on, tell us a nun joke! =)