About a month ago I started to see tweets fling about a super idea for Mother’s day. As far as I know it started out as a glimmer in @KimPlumley’s mind, and today Twitter Giver launched its first contest. Along with Yoyomama and now CBC Vancouver, Twitter Giver has a huge prize worth over 3000 dollars for the winning tweet.
So how do you enter? It is as easy as writing 140 characters. Write about your mom, or help your kids write about theirs and tweet it with the tag #cbcgiver. You have until 11:59 pst tonight and the winning tweet will be revealed tomorrow on the Early Edition on CBC radio 1. If your mother won’t see your tweet, send her a copy, because prizes aside, how you feel may be the best present she receives.
Show your love for your mother. Here is mine:
You always helped us believe, never let us know how hard things were, were there 4 others in trouble, thankyou @NanaLorraine Love U#cbcgiver