Menu Plan Monday


Another week, another plan.  Last week we didn’t get chicken because it was so expensive, we will try again this week.

Monday:  Home made chicken strips, and sides

Tuesday:  Spaghetti, (The boy will actually eat everything mixed together in tomato sauce, who knew?  I may grate some extra veggies in there.)

Wednesday: BBQ’d steak, and grilled veggies

Thursday:  Hamburger helper

Friday:  Sweet and sour meatballs

Saturday: Slow cooked roast

We will see how this weeks menu fares. 🙂  As always please visit Laura at Organizing Junkie for more menu planning and other organizing ideas.

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2 Responses to Menu Plan Monday

  1. Mommychicky says:

    Do your fry or bake your chicken strips? Thanks for sharing and have a great week. My menu is up here.

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