Menu Plan Monday: I am back :)


I am having a bit of a hard time blogging with the boy around lately since he seems to take offence at me typing anything on the laptop. We had a bit of a traumatic week last week and I never want that much adrenalin in my system again. I am hoping that Aidan will never take that kind of face-plant again, the screams were terrible. Luckily his nose doesn’t seem to be broken, and the bruising was less than I thought it would be. I have also been dealing with Hives for some unknown reason. They keep coming and I am in a bit of a fog with the antihistamines. I think that sometime soon, if they don’t stop, I will need to try a bit of an elimination diet.

Ok so I wrote that last week, I have been trying for three weeks to get a Menu plan out so I am writing parts of this starting the Thursday before. 🙂 I did actually plan for last week and I planned for two weeks so I could get the big grocery shop put of the way.

Friday (26th): Amazing or Awesome Meat loaf (pg 114 of Fix it and forget it) in the slowcooker. This is a meatloaf that both Anthony and I liked. Now if only we could get the boy to eat some meat.

Saturday (27th): Open

Sunday (28th): Steak, Potatoes, Salad

Monday (29th): Tandoori Chicken, Roasted Peppers, Basmati rice

Tuesday (30th): Quick Frozen Meal (Guides)

Wednesday (31st): Pasta and Meat Sauce, Salad Happy Halloween (We will see how Aidan does with the trick or treating.)

Thursday (1 Nov.): Healthy baked Breaded Chicken

Friday (2nd): Fish and Chips

Saturday (3rd): Meatballs with Rice

Join more menu planners or check out some great plans at Organizing Junkie.

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