Menu Plan Monday


I have actually planned for the rest of the month, though I will only give you this weeks plan. I actually made a nice week plan with grocery list on the computer that has really helped me to plan. I am very happy to have so much already done so that it isn’t going to be a big chore on Sundays any more. I am also starting to plan for a baking day with Aidan. He is so cute and loves to mix everything. We just have to watch out for his sometimes over-whelming enthusiasm. (I am almost out of salt as a result of his enthusiasm.) So on to the plans.

Monday: Kabobs with rice and vegetables. Bake bread with Aidan.

Tuesday: BBQ Chicken, salad, baked potatoes

Wednesday: Pancakes, Bacon, eggs (Aidan will help with the pancake batter.)

Thursday: Pizza

Friday: Ham with scallop potatoes, (mashed for Anthony), Broccoli

Saturday:Church Dinner at HT

Sunday: Tandoori Chicken Kabobs with Basmati rice and roasted vegetables

Have a wonderful week. Visit the Organizing Junkie for more great menu plan ideas.

This entry was posted in Cooking with toddlers, Gwen, Healthy Eating, Menu Plan Monday, organization. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Menu Plan Monday

  1. scrapfairy says:

    Your menu looks great this week.

  2. Christi says:

    I plan for a month at a time, too. Makes it easier when I’m grocery shopping.

    Your menu sounds yummy! Have a great week!

  3. Bridget says:

    I would love to be able to plan my meals a month in advance! Delicious sounding week you have.

  4. Renee' says:

    Your menu plan looks wonderful! Have a great week.

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