Harry, Harry, Where Are You?

I ordered my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows months ago.  I have been counting down for months till it came out.  I was too cheap to up the shipping costs to get it on the day.  Anthony didn’t take my hint that he could up the shipping from the free shipping so that I would miraculously get the book on the day it came out. (It really wasn’t that subtle.  I coyly said, “Well you could up the shipping for me.” Grinning.) I don’t know how he could mistake that for anything but I can’t justify it for myself, but my wonderful husband could do it for me.  Ok I guess to a male mind that didn’t mean the same as doing it myself, or actually asking him outright to do it for me.

Now I am in spoiler hell.  I am trying so hard to avoid spoilers, and because EVERYONE has already read the book, the blogging world is full of them.   I want to know but I do not want to know. Does Harry die?  Will he finally get some time with Ginny?  Do they kill off Ron?  Will Snape redeem himself? Who does die?  What will be Voldemort’s undoing? Is Dumbledore really dead?  Will Sirius come through the veil? Are Dumbledore and Harry related?  What happen to the other members of the D.A.?

I guess I will just have to read the previous books again while I am waiting.  Sigh.

P.S.  Do not under any circumstance answer my questions if you know.  I want to read them for my self.  I will discuss the book with any of you AFTER I have read HP7.  You can however leave some “Na na na na na s, I know what happened, but I’m not telling,” comments.   I am a comment whore after all. 🙂

P.P.S.  Anthony and I are planning to go to see HP and the order of the Pheonix  on friday for our anniversary (7 years already).  I can’t wait.  🙂  (I hope Tammy can still babysit.)

This entry was posted in anniversaries, Book Talk, Gwen, Harry Potter, kid lit, movie talk. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Harry, Harry, Where Are You?

  1. roxy says:

    I feel you. I just got my borrowed copy last night- too broke to buy my own whatsoever… I’m starting on Chapter 7 tonight. No spoilers from me:) Did you see my spoilers graphic?


    Feel free to steal:)


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