Ok, so while I am waiting impatiently for the book that shall not be named, I have been playing around with some other Potter related stuff. First of all, I tried another sorting quiz and guess which house I would be in according to this website? Hmm, figured it out yet? Am I a brave rule-breaking Gryffindor? A hardworking loyal Hufflepuff? A sneaky, ambitious Slytherin? Or a brainy Ravenclaw?
Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?
Apparently I am the loyal, dependable hardworking Hufflepuff. A badger. Lol, I guess it may be pretty close.
In other things Potter related Roxy of Daisy Bones, a very talented graphic artist, has graciously let me use her Do Not Spoil Me banner. Isn’t it pretty?
I am trying to come up with one myself. 🙂
I feel like I’m the only person in the world not reading the new potter book. I just haven’t been able to get through one of the books yet! Enjoy enjoy enjoy, though!!!! 🙂
*g* Thanks:)
Shoulda made a smaller one for posts too. Kinda blew you up there;)
Have you got your copy finally? Let me know when you’ve read it so we can discuss!