Dog Days of Summer: Bloggy Giveaway

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Shannon of Rocks In My Dryer fame is having a Dog Days of Summer: Bloggy Giveaway Carnival and I decided I wanted to become part of it. I thought about this and I figured out what would be a good giveaway for me. I have two extra copies of “Holes” by Louis Sachar. I was going to work on a novel study basket but I am now a SAHM so it isn’t as urgent as it once was. So good for you! I will send a copy to two people who leave a comment on this post. The winner will be randomly drawn from the comments I receive by Friday the 27th July at midnight.

If the people who win would also like some novel study ideas for grades 5-8 let me know and I can send some with the books. 🙂

This entry was posted in Blog Carnivals, blogging, Book Talk, Education, Louis Sachar. Bookmark the permalink.

58 Responses to Dog Days of Summer: Bloggy Giveaway

  1. aBookworm says:

    I could never resist a book. Do count me in! This sounds like fun 🙂
    ~ aBookworm
    callmeabookworm at gmail dot com

  2. Kim says:

    Count me in! What a wonderful giveaway!

    Great blog…I’m bookmarking it so that I can come back later. 😉

    Come on over to check out my giveaway.

  3. Dee says:

    Please enter me!

  4. Kellie Penn says:

    Great prize!! Count me in! 🙂

  5. gena says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! Please enter me.

  6. Jennifer says:

    I would love to have another book!

  7. laane says:

    What a lovely gift!

    Feel welcome to enter my give-away.

  8. connie says:

    Love books…read Holes to some special kids a few years back…love sharing a good book with kids! Thanks for the offer!

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