Menu Plan Monday

I forgot to link to where I found Menu Plan Monday last week, and I feel really bad. I was reading Tales From the Dad Side and clicked over to his wife’s site Circle of Life and she had her menus up. I then went over to I am and Organizing Junkie who hosts Menu Plan Monday. I have to tell you I was excited. This was the kick in the pants that I needed to actually get started. Anthony and I were talking about menu planning for months and it never seemed to happen. I now just need to stick to the menus better. Oh and I need that lovely graphic button. 🙂

I think that I did really well for my first week and only had a couple of substitutions, though I really wanted to be a little more on the ball. I also bought my first slow cooker last week as well and I am sold! Everything went as planned until Thursday, when I figured out that I didn’t have the energy to cook a new recipe. At least I went with the next thing on the list and move Friday to Thursday. On Friday we had another out and had a frozen pizza. (Can you tell that my son has been night waking a lot this week?) Saturday we actually had the second Shepherd’s pie that was made and not frozen like I meant to. Sunday we had the chicken only BBQed instead. I am hoping that we get at least through Thursday before we need any subs. 🙂 Anthony has suggested that we have one meal a week that can be swapped with a frozen quick meal if necessary. So here goes my second week. Wish us luck.

Monday: Pancakes, or Waffles, Bacon, and Eggs for those as wants them.

Tuesday: Lasagne, Nice Bread (Terra Breads Potato Chive, or Rosemary maybe), cheese, olives, Balsamic vinegar/Olive Oil dip, Salad, (Company for dinner. )

Wednesday: Fried Rice and Vegetables

Thursday: Skillet Cooked Parmesan Chicken Corn, Mashed potatoes

Friday: Good Friday, maybe a Day Trip so no meal planned.

Saturday: Mommy’s Day Off (Birthday) so order something, Carrot Cake (Made by DH) for Desert.

Sunday: Turkey with all the trimmings. Happy Easter for those who celebrate.

Monday: Leftovers Yum! Turkey Soup Time!

Have a lovely week everyone.

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3 Responses to Menu Plan Monday

  1. Laura says:

    Hello! Yes please feel free to use the MPM banner! I’m so glad the menu planning is working out, it is amazing how versatile it is, people often assume that it is set in stone. Good luck with the slow cooking, I have many recipes on my site if you look under Slow Cooking Thursday.

    Have a fantastic week!

  2. Grandma Kathy says:

    My menu plan is for lasagna for supper on Tuesday!!!! I like the sound of the chicken – why don’t you send me the recipe. I had a great thought, you make up the menus then I will follow them no thought for me.

    Love Kathy

  3. Gwen says:

    That is fine by me Kathy. 🙂 The recipe for the chicken is in the link. Just click and you will have the instructions. It seems like it should be really simple.

    Laura, thank you I will get a copy and start using it. It takes away some of the stress involved with dinner. Now I just have to make it rather than figure out what to make as well.

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