Menu Plan Monday

I just found a wonderful thing to do every Monday. Plan a menu and stick to it! So I am trying to do this every Monday, lets see what happens! so for my inaugural week here we go.

Monday: Frozen turkey pies. (Bad I know, but with Aidan’s Party yesterday I am still wiped.)

Tuesday: Shepherd’s Pie

Wednesday: Slow-Cooked Pot Roast

Thursday: Skillet Cooked Parmesan Chicken Corn, Mashed potatoes

Friday: Steak and Baked Potatoes

Saturday: Chicken Kabobs, rice

Sunday: ??

What do you think? A good start? 🙂 I know Anthony will think so.

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2 Responses to Menu Plan Monday

  1. I’m going to have to try that Parmesan Chicken, it sounds delicious 🙂

    Have a great week 🙂

    Rachel xxx

  2. Nana Lorraine says:

    WHat a good idea. I should do that myself.

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