After seeing the play on Saturday both Quinlan and Aidan wanted to review Aesop’s Fables. Quinlan was unsure about what to say, and as always Aidan almost never runs out of words. While Quinlan was in theatre class Aidan and I took to various parts of Granville Island to film. The first location was appealing visually, but it got to be very noisy especially when the train of about 8 garbage, recycling and compost dumpsters rattled along by. This is why half the video is take in the slightly less noisy play boat behind the kids market. In between Quinlan’s and Aidan’s theatre classes we filmed the rest of the video. Quinlan got a great kick out of being and out of the video.
Loved Quinlan’s bit at the end!
Loved the reviews! I can’t wait to show the kids.