Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-04

  • Anyone heaading to the Riley Park community festival today? We are thinking about going. #
  • Aidan has lost his fear of bouncy castles and other blow up toys. #greekfest #
  • Tried to send earlier. Aidan makes friends wherever he goes. #
  • OK trying to be dramatic for a cliffhanger ending getting a little ridiculous. #trueblood #
  • bread in the oven smells soooooooo good. 🙂 Aidan and my mom made it. #couldgetusedtoit #
  • RT @Stv: Great ad: braestfeeding. You may not get it right the first time. #
  • I love it when Aidan becomes zombie Aidan. Braaainnnnns! Braaaaaaaaainnnnnnnnsssssss! (insert typical zombie voice) #
  • I am so not the person to be home when the cable repair guy comes. I had no idea where the thing he wanted was. #thankgodthenanawashere #
  • Most of the non-food portion of the kitchen is cleaned. Not looking forward to cleaning out the food cupboards. #damnmoths #
  • The back of my fridge has been vacuumed and I must have brought up a tonne of dust. Yuck. I deserve the chinese food I ordered. P:) #
  • I HATE facebook. I can never get it to actually do anything I need it to do. #
  • OK, time for bed. Goodnight. #
  • boys are playing and i would be drinking my tea latte if i hadn't spilled it. 🙁 #
  • why do kids like to dump sand off high places? sigh #
  • This weekend I will not be with my kids overnight. The first time . . . ever. Excited and nervous at the same time. #
  • Fail whale. Hmm, soccer excitement anyone? Anyone like me not care at all? #worldcup #notmycupoftea #
  • 23 caches, a few hundred kilometers, a tonne of new people, a bit of stinging nettle and a lot of fun so far. #geowoodstock #
  • Now for bed and sleep. Will I still wake up when Quinlan does? 🙂 #
  • Apparently it was the 5 year old that woke Nana at 5:30 am. Q slept until 6:00am. @NanaLorraine will be taking a morning nap methinks. 🙂 #
  • Ironically I was awake at 5:30 am as well. The difference was that I went back to sleep eventually. 🙂 #sleepinginseattle #
  • Going for dinner and then to see if we have enough energy for some more night caching. We will see. #
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