Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-09

  • Heading out in the rain for my photography class. Won't this be fun. 🙂 #
  • Back from my photography class. Wow am I cold. I really hope some of the shots turn out. #
  • We are late for preschool. I am not waking the sleeping toddler for anything right now. Sigh. #
  • I didn't realize that it was a clothing optional day. The toddler has stripped off everything but the diaper. (for now) #
  • On the old laptop w/the external monitor because @AnthonyFloyd forgot to give me the password to the new one. Tried all the usual suspects. #
  • Never seen anyone eat as fast as Q just did. He ate a whole pkg of oatmeal in 30 secs. Spoon wasn't quick enough so he stuffed in in by hand #
  • My next post will be titled "The Slasher Scream." Quinlan's scream rivals Jamie Lee Curtis' any day. I may have permanent hearing damage. #
  • RT @AnthonyFloyd: A lunchtime FTF! Awesome! [woot!] #
  • Darwin award #1: Jogger running around a park, with a trail AND a sidewalk, ON the street with very little clearance. #dumbass #
  • Darwin award #2 : Pickup truck backing up into a traffic circle without f*cking looking. #dumbass #
  • Darwin award #3: Yellow sports car, tailgating a scooter, cuts off a pepsi truck in the other lane. #dumbass #
  • All 3 Darwin awards in the 5 minute drive from the preschool. #
  • Grooving to a-ha while I clean up. Apart from the sweat, getting my house clean feels awesome. Cleaning FTW! #
  • Though I guess burning all the calories with the cleaning and dancing make the sweat a good thing too. #gettingmycardio #
  • If I do bike to NV on friday, will 45 minutes be enough time to get there? And will anyone mock me if I walk it up part of the long hill? #
  • And in my room against the wall, there sits a picture very small. A photograph I took some years ago, of some people in the room I know. #
  • I sit and wait alone. . . in my room. #
  • Aidan is officially 5 now. He learned to make farting noises on his arm. Quinlan finds this tres ammusant. #
  • We were just invited to have "peace". Who knew Northern Voice was so churchlike? #NV10 #
  • Ok, time to mingle will tweet more later. #NV10 #
  • 50 Stories One Way, not exactly what I thought it would be. Is actually about academic podcasting. #NV10 #
  • Really this is where I might like to work. Should I start a podcast? Would anyone listen? Where is my niche? #NV10 #
  • This is more about the mentorship and cross-pollination of science and journalism. Citizen journalism. #NV10 #
  • Trying to figure out how far to push the stories. What questions do they need to be asking? #NV10 #
  • Now in Online Publishing and the Law. #NV10 First up: How to avoid getting sued. #
  • Blogger, not protected, while journalists are protected by iunsurance, you are NOT. Very vunerable. #
  • Blogger, not protected, while journalists are protected by iunsurance, you are NOT. Very vunerable. #NV10 #
  • Defamation: repeating a libel is still a libel. including RT, how far does is go? #
  • Everyone who participates in a publication is a publisher. #NV10 #
  • Aoiding Defamtion: Def. is any negative statement abt a person/company; legal defence for opinions is broad. #NV10 #
  • RT @ALotofLoves: Real vulnerability is in negative statements of fact that you can't prove. #nv10 #
  • Intent to harm is not a factor in defamation. #NV10 #
  • Ok, session finished. Now to lunch. #NV10 #
  • Commercial Use is not well defined in Canadian case law. #
  • Attribution is probably the most important thing with creative commons. Talk to the artist. Communication is key. #NV10 creative commons #
  • Free Music Archive is great fro free music. #nv10 #
  • Next session: Finding Your Online Voice #NV10 with Monica Hamburg Yay! #
  • Write more, write better, who are you. Ask your friends, about things they like about you. #NV10 #
  • Let your writing really suck in the beginning. #NV10 #
  • RT @penmachine: I knew @uncleweed would make a great video for #nv10 – especially the Mr. Rogers slipper change. Feel well, good sir. #
  • Check keyword tools and check out what keywords people are searching for. #NV10 #
  • Biting my metophoric tongue again. Sigh, sometimes my sense of humour just wouldn't be appreciated. #alsobraindeadtoday #
  • Check out google webmasters for seo tips. "like a date with the google engineers." #nv10 #
  • Biggest thing about making your blogging searchable: write everyday. #nv10 #
  • Now on fashion photography: Fiona Garden. #retouching #NV10 #
  • Sun is very bright in the atrium of the LSC @UBC. Need my sunglasses in here. #NV10 #
  • RT @alexishinde: Chris Messina on the podium for keynote at #nv10 #
  • Seeing sunspots on my computer keyboard. Forgive the spelling mistakes. #NV10 #
  • It is interesting how the keynotes work with out slides at a tech conference. #NV10 #stories #
  • In "Should Journalists Use Social Media?" with @lisaj and @kirklapointe #
  • Twitter especailly, makes @lisaj 's city smaller. Is another way to source material rather than just friends of journalists. #NV10 #
  • In "Should Journalists Use Social Media?" with @lisasj and @kirklapointe Interesting points so far. #
  • RT @AnthonyFloyd: Walking thru the Pacific Spirit Park on 3 different 'on leash' trails, not 1 of 8 dogs leashed [Arg!] #
  • My brain is still on life support. Spelling and grammar out the window. #sleepisfortheweak #
  • RT @alexishinde:"Engagement is not a frill," says @kirklapointe regarding journalists & social media. It's a necessity. #nv10 [true for all] #
  • RT @Seanfunk: @LeftCoastMama whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger? So moms are the strongest people EVER 😉 #sleepisfortheweak #
  • Here in A 4 Letter Word Called Sex. Getting my 5 year old AFTER the presentation. #
  • What is sexual identity 2.0? #NV10 #
  • An interesting question abt writing a sex blog & how does it jive with your work? Are you worried about employers finding youre blog? #nv10 #
  • Picked up my 5 year old and now am in "How to Turn Your Blog into a Book." #NV10 [He's reading a book and listening to his iPod.] #
  • We should have sat next to @ZoeyJane and @MiniZoeyJane. #NV10 #
  • That is a dog. In a stroller. Made for a dog. #
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