Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-16

  • . @AnthonyFloyd @limelitePR twitter says that I am following 0 and 0 are following me. Wow, I am so unpopular. 🙂 #
  • Best part of the card I got from Aidan yesterday:"When I tell Mommy I love her she says 'Thank you.'" I am so polite. #
  • Why do the boys like the demo songs? I hate them with a firery passion. I might explode if I hear any of them even 1 more time. #
  • The disscussion re childcare or lack of it at #NV10 leaves little room for the hashtag. I guess someone need to find the tweets & blog em. #
  • RT @EatsShootsEdits: i think there should be childcare on premise plane and simple #NV10 [agreed] #
  • Sell some tixs & we'd pay for the childcare RT @EatsShootsEdits: ok lets have some good old fashion mud wrestling moms vs. childless chicks #
  • As much as I have enjoyed the discussion tonight, one of my sacrifices will be waking any momment. #ilovemykidsbuticouldusesomesleep #
  • RT @michaeleckford: So, I missed most of this but it sounds like an army of chanting children swarmed the stage at #nv10 [*snort*] #
  • Heading to the Vancouver MAritime Museum. Hope the boys behave. #
  • Since when does having a discussion with positive suggestions for avoiding the issue next year, make the parents the bad guys here? #
  • BTW the Vancouver Maritime Museum is AWESOME for kids. The pirate ship and hands on activities rock! #
  • Working on a post and the words aren't coming as quickly as I'd like. Sigh. #
  • When nothing else works, blaming Zombies is a time honoured tradition. . . . isn't it? #alliwanttodoiseatyourbrains #
  • Quinlan threw up sometime this am and covered it with a towel. I found it the hard way. #
  • Getting ready for the photography class tongiht has been an epic fail. Where the hell are all our rulers? #
  • There is nothing cuter than a 19 month old voluntarily blowing his nose and smiling and giggling. #dyingoftehcute #
  • Just got Aidan's kg orientation time. May 28th from 2-3. Our flight to NS leaves at 7:30 pm & he has a fieldtrip in the am. Very busy day. #
  • Hair cut and styled. Jewelry on. Glasses cleaner in little red purse. Here is hoping I am ready for tonight. #vanmom30blog #
  • After a year of waiting re my thumb I finally have an appt for the MRI. How long after do you figure I will actually get the surgery? #
  • a 4 stamp day. Been to a wwflashmob, Burnaby Village, Burnaby art gallery and the zoo. Long day. #
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