Today is the last day of National Blog Posting Month. I did it, I wrote a post everyday in the month of November. I think I even wrote some half decent ones as well. I am not sure how good this post will be as I have had another very full and somewhat frustrating day.*1
I have been trying to get our gift ready for the folks back east and it has been a right pain in the ass, taking much longer than it really should. We had a doctor’s appointment and while Dr. I. wasn’t too late, and I was able to get my regular flu shot, but it was hard keeping the kids in check.*2 Afterwards it was the rush to get to preschool and get Aidan to eat a snack before we got there. Instead of eating the granola bar he ate just the small icing drizzle. Sigh. After the preschool drop off I went with Quinlan to get an oil change. Quinlan fell asleep for a whopping 20 minutes in the car, which while making the oil change much nicer, was a pain for the rest of the afternoon. On the plus side his tooth finally made its way through the gum. Well at least one of them did.
This above paragraph doesn’t take into account the most frustrating part of the day. While trying to get stuff ready for kindergarten registration we needed a letter from our landlord to get proof of residency. This also led to (and I have no idea why) our landlord emailing us saying that we needed to give the strata handyman a key to our place so he could have unrestricted access to take care of the leak we had. This led to a bunch of other emails which amounted to a “Hell No” he can’t have a key to our house. There were links to sections of the residential tenancy act sent to the landlord. Then there was a very rude and threatening email sent to me by the handyman. Sigh, now this is the passive aggressive bullshit he pulls all the time. We have lived here for five and a half years now and this person has always been a pain in the ass. He barges around and is on some fucked up power trip. This is the same guy that our landlord hired to fix the leak in the bathroom last spring. You know, the one that came back because he fucked up. Then he decided to barge into our place when Alex was house sitting for us. There is NO way he should have gone in but Alex didn’t know that. When we got back he cursed our landlord and was very much in our faces. I was actually glad that he was away when we had the leak this time. His wife is a sweetheart and his friend was very helpful and respectful. I am fucking tired of his bullshit. I am fucking tired of his passive aggressive ways. I am tired of being threatened because we have two cats. I am tired of him taking out his shit on me. The problem is I can’t curse him out the way I would really like to. Since the kids will be here with me I have to be nice to him. I tell you though if he pulls any of this shit with me tomorrow I will ask him to leave right away. If he doesn’t I will be filing a complaint. I am not taking anymore of this.
Anyone know of a nice three bedroom place in the west side of Vancouver? You know one that is roomier than the two bedrooms we have now, still in the same area and won’t cost us an extra kidney or a lung? If you do let me know, we may be looking in the near future.
*1 That reminds me, check the calendar tab and see if it is finally back. Staples online printing service has sucked. It has been many hours trying to get a calendar together. There will be no calendars catered to individuals this year.
*2 Quinlan has grown a half inch in the last two weeks and his head is in the 95th percentile. I was also able to weigh myself on a dependable scale and I am about where my bathroom scale puts me. (Yay!)
Wow. What an incredibly annoying day! I heard about this illegal entry from Anthony via Twitter. Sounds like u are working it out – but what a hassle!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Waiting for the H1N1 vaccine =-.
I don’t know why some people have to be such jack asses ( and that is mean to asses!) You might have to threaten him with harrasment charges. We need to have the apartment fairy find you a lovely big, inexpensive, place near your favorite area. With rent control. lol