Lists Are Made to Be Crossed

On most days I have an idea of the things I need to get done. Sometimes I actually make a list so things can get crossed off and I can feel like I have accomplished something.  Today was one of those days, and there were six things on the list.

1. Clean Living room,and Dining room

2. Vacuum

3. Take out recycling/garbage.

4. Put Cooler down in the storage.

5. Bring up some of the Christmas Decorations.

6. Take Family Christmas Pictures.

Luckily we were able to take care of all the list and I feel pretty good.  Since we had to move all the furniture  we even were able to get under the sofas clean. Anthony was able to take some nice pictures even though it was difficult to get the boys to stay still long enough to get the shots.


Finally a nice one of the four of us.

Mommy I want you to be a sled.

Mommy I want you to be a sled.

This test shot turned out nicely.

This test shot turned out nicely.

Still cute even though Quinlan isn't looking at the camera.

Still cute even though Quinlan isn't looking at the camera.

These guys are way too cute for their own good.

These guys are way too cute for their own good.

This entry was posted in Aidan, Anthony, Christmas, cute, family, Gwen, Holidays, organization, Pictures, Quinlan and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Lists Are Made to Be Crossed

  1. Stephanie says:

    LOVE the family photos! I think I’ll have to put my tree up early this year to get our first Christmas family photo since having Oscar. Must add it to *my* list. 😉
    .-= Stephanie´s last blog ..And he speaks! =-.

  2. Marilyn says:

    These pics are really cute. The one on the bottom is my favorite – Quinlan’s eyes look extra blue in it. My to do list is so long that I’ve decided to ignore it. Now I pick one thing that must be done that day and everything else is gravy.
    .-= Marilyn´s last blog ..Three =-.

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