Still Sick But Looking for a Better Title

It has been another slow day at the Floyd household.  Anthony stayed home again because Quinlan didn’t let me sleep at all last night and this fever of mine won’t go away.  It looks like Quinlan’s fever has broken, but Aidan’s has snuck back so we have no idea if Quinlan’s will stay gone.

So what to write about if not the sick thing?  I could talk about some of the books I have been reading, but while I am enjoying them they are a bit more teenaged vampire lit so I am not sure I should admit I am reading them.  I have  also been listening to the latest Dan Brown, and while it is not a literary masterpiece I am enjoying it.  I guess I will have to admit right here and now that I am a pulp fiction reader.  I love me some good old fashioned Harlequins, teen and YA lit, and almost anything that involves a Vampire.

I am also a teen tv show junkie.  I love Gossip Girl, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Veronica Mars.  I  have no idea where I was going with this.  My fevered brain still isn’t working so I think I will leave it at that for tonight. Sorry for the weirdness that is my brain right now.

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3 Responses to Still Sick But Looking for a Better Title

  1. I love pretty much anything to do with vampires. I like Dan Brown too – sometimes it’s nice to have a light fast-paced read. You might like James Rollins books (try the Sigma Series – which I think starts with Sandstorm). They’re similar to Dan Brown but I think I like them a little more. Get better soon.
    .-= Marilyn (A Lot of Loves)´s last blog ..Uneasy Sleep =-.

  2. Nana says:

    You know that I love many of the teen aged lit. So much of it is very well written and deals with subjects that adults need to think about as well. Hope that you and the kids start getting better soon. Love you.

  3. Colette says:

    Sometimes I find the pre-tee and teen books a great thing to read – especially when one is sick and doesn’t want to think too hard. My fave”to read when sick” books (and sometimes to read when not sick . . ) were The Babysitters’ Club and Sweet Valley High =)

    .-= Colette´s last blog ..Let the Christmas baking begin! =-.

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