In Which I Talk About My Problems With Bras and Big Boobs

I am a person of size, a big girl, a short girl, a plus sized girl.  Inside I am a tall, curvy and more toned woman with C cups that are still perky. On the outside I am one that will fail the pencil test every time.  In fact I don’t remember when I didn’t fail the pencil test.  Well I suppose that is not true, when I was 12 I had nothing to speak of.


I just checked and not only do I fail the pencil test, I can actually hold 10, yes 10, writing implements under one boob.  Sure I know that when I am finished nursing Quinlan the girls will get a little smaller.  I often wish for the breast disappearing act that I hear so many women complain about.  Sigh.  I am most likely out of luck on that front.


This has been coming for a while. On Sunday I will have been nursing for a full year (again) and I still do not have a nursing bra that fits and is comfortable.  In fact I don’t really think they (maternity/nursing bra manufacturers) make a bra designed for a woman like me.    Oddly enough, just because I have big boobs I am not huge everywhere else.  Yes I am a plus sized girl, but my ribs are quite small, and I don’t need inches of elastic or band underneath the breast.  In fact all that does is make things worse as it is uncomfortable and it folds under itself.  What I really need is a good underwire nursing bra, with not too much underwire (I don’t need to be poked in the armpit) and a stretchy band that isn’t too wide.  Oh and also, an I cup.  Therein lies the rub.  I need an I cup. Apparently women who need an I cup are really tall and long torsoed women.  They aren’t sturdy not too short women with a bigger rack.

Since I am unable to find anything in Vancouver that fits, I was finally turned toward an online company for a certain bra that the fitter told me would fit me.  (Since then I think my band size has gone down even if my cup size has not.)  I ordered it and two others that should have fit to see if I could get something that would let me nurse my son and still be able to have the girls where they should be.  In fact the two that came were not the one that Dianne’s said would fit me, no that is still on back order a month and a half later.  This shouldn’t be such a struggle.  I can not be the only woman in Vancouver who has this problem.  Hell I can’t be the only woman in the world who has this problem.

So what is a woman with big breasts, a penchant for pretty lingerie, and a nursing mother to do?  Really I am asking. I am at my wit’s end.  I am uncomfortable, I still need access for Quinlan and I don’t see him weaning anytime soon.  Me and the girls thank you in advance.

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4 Responses to In Which I Talk About My Problems With Bras and Big Boobs

  1. Sandi says:

    I have no real answer for you but I wanted to say that I feel your pain. I’m a 38H and when I go to buy bras I turn a blind eye to all the cute, sexy bras on display and ask to see what they have in my size. They inevitably bring back one or maybe two choices.

    Nothing from Bravado fits? Have you tried contacting them directly? I’m sorry I don’t have any other suggestions, hopefully there is someone else more knowledgeable that will comment.

  2. Annemarie says:

    I am an oddly sized 32 or 32 G cup with a similar problem – I have broad shoulders but narrowish ribs. In fact for some reason they’re narrower after having kids?? Anyhow, I checked and Honeymilk goes up to an H cup only ( – but seriously, Brandee will come to your house & fit you & she’s an amazing fitter & will have suggestions if hers don’t work.

    I used to wear a lacy underwire nursing bra from Anita that I got at Bare Basics on 10th Avenue near UBC. I don’t know the size range but I’d try there over other places in town – they’re amazing & knowledgeable & have a good size range.
    .-= Annemarie´s last blog ..hey riddle riddle =-.

  3. Ugh! I had the same problem!! Your an I oh my! I bet this is a huge challenge for you. I was a 34 F when I was nursing and found it annoying at that size. I replied on twitter about what bra I ended up falling in love with. I also wrote about it on my blog because I really loved my nursing bra that much. I hated most nursing bras and really loved the Anita. This is a great post. I hope your size I’s find some supportive love ASAP.
    .-= Mama in the City´s last blog ..Kitchen Drumming =-.

  4. Nicole says:

    Bravado just came out with an underwire nursing bra: I am seriously considering one of these.

    They also have a “Supreme Nursing Bra”
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Overheard: Parenting Tactics =-.

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