A brand new month and a whole lot of firsts are awaiting my family. Aidan turns three and a half at the end of this month and he starts preschool next week. In the end of the following month I am scheduled (well hopefully) to give birth to our second child, so we are trying to get ready for the new baby as well. With preschool twice a week, swimming lessons twice a week and starting at the end of the month a science exploration class with Anthony, I am hoping that Aidan will have enough of his own stuff to keep him happy and not too jealous when the new baby comes. I am also hoping that having a couple of months to get into a routine will help him to adapt before the baby comes.
This weekend we have spent a lot of time getting the boy’s room ready to share with the baby. A new bed, play area and a moving of furniture in order to make a crowded room for one into a still crowded but usable room for two. The crib is set up and Aidan loves his new bed. He has a place to play and read under his bed. Almost all is set. My real hope is that getting everything ready now will make the transition easier later on. I want Aidan to have the time to process as much as he can before the baby is born.
In the meantime I am looking for some advice on coping with two children and helping to mitigate any jealousy that may arise. If you have any advice please comment or email. Any good books that deal with a new baby in a positive way? I don’t want the I am so jealous I hate the new baby books, but ones that share the excitement and joy of a new brother or sister. If I need to deal with jealousy I can always find books on that later.
For the grandparents and those who may be interested I will take some pictures of the new bad and room setup tomorrow. I will post them tomorrow. 🙂 I may even try to get some regular posting in here as well as at the Being Savvy Vancouver blog. I am realizing how much my personal blog has been suffering lately.
Dr Sears has a great book about babies and what to expect when your a kid and a new baby arrives. Becca still likes to read it!
Becca never really got jealous. She was kinda indifferent. Nothing changed, we went on play dates and were busy. Then we moved and things got choatic that way.
Now they LOVE hanging out and playing together. I love watching them! Oh Ethan did give her a gift in the hospital, a “HI Big Sister .. you rock” present.She liked that!
chelle’s last blog post: Batter Bruised Content