Menu Plan Monday


We have been dealing with our toddler and this very bad stomach flu so I am thinking this week’s menu will reflect that a bit. We are having a hard enough time getting liquids down let alone something solid.

Monday: Jello, Soup

Tuesday: Breakfast for Dinner

Wednesday: Chicken (maybe bbq’d) and baked potatoes, veggies, Ice Cream for dessert

Thursday: Pizza (Choir night)

Friday: Fish (Good Friday)

Saturday: Open

Sunday: small turkey and potatoes, broccoli, turnip (Happy Easter)

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4 Responses to Menu Plan Monday

  1. Rona says:

    Sorry to hear about your family not feeling well.

  2. Nana says:

    Congratulations on getting back to your menu plan. I hope that Aidan is feeling well enough to drink this week.

  3. Mommychicky says:

    When I first read what’s on the table for tonight, I thought it said “Jello Soup” and I was going to ask what is in it, but then I saw the comma… Hope Aidan feels better.

    Thanks for sharing your menu and have a great week.

    My menu is up at Don’t Eat Baby.

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