Love Thursday

This is one of my favourite pictures of Aidan and me. I have a hard time getting him to sit on my lap and cuddle anymore.
I miss that.


Maybe I will get some more cuddle time in when he is a little older and less independent.

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4 Responses to Love Thursday

  1. Awww, what a sweet picture. (yup, he’ll realize he still needs his momma’s hugs and kisses.)

  2. shaz says:

    cute pic… i miss the cuddling too!!!

  3. heidi says:

    He looks so much like you:) *melts*

  4. heidi says:

    New site looks fabulous:) I’ll update my blogroll. By the way, how do you like hosting your own site? Are you using blogger’s interface still or another blog publisher? I just don’t know how this works- Still such a relative newbie:)

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