So I am up and live with my new domain. So hello everyone! How is it going?
To all my American reader(s), hope you were able to vote. To everyone else, I hope you have a lovely Tuesday.
Ok now on to the main part of the post. I have been thinking about what I want my blog to be and whether I want to try to have days where I write about certain things. I have also been thinking about what I want to accomplish with this blog. Do I want it to be merely a place to post thoughts, feelings and pictures of Aidan, or do I want it to be for a broader audience?
I do want to be a bit broader I think and I really want to do some book reviewing. I have been trying for a few years to be a reader to make the short list for the Red Cedar Awards, and maybe I can get onto something like the Cybils. I don’t know. I just know that kids lit ( and lit in general) is a passion and I wish I had enough money to buy all the new books. Of course I would also need the shelf space and at the moment it is in short supply. You would think that I could just add another bookshelf but that would mean finding the space to put the shelf as well. (For those of you who think you can fit another bookshelf almost anywhere you have not seen the amount of stuff we have fit into a very small space.) Anyway, my point is that I need to start doing some book reviews, so I am thinking that every (well almost every) Wednesday I will choose a book or 2 to review. I am thinking that 1 picture book and 1 children’s or Ya book.
Tomorrow is a new day and I think I will begin with Eoin Colfer’s latest “Artemis Fowl.”