One thing I loved about blogging, when I did it regularly, was participating in Menu Plan Monday. It was something to help me plan the week’s meals and the grocery list. I made far less impromptu decisions about dinners and when I was on the ball I spent less on groceries. So, back to blogging, back in the saddle again for menu planning.
Sunday (9 Nov): Roast Chicken and veggies. Rice for the boys.
Monday (10 Nov): Lasagna and salad and bread. I will make a few and freeze them for other dinners.
Tuesday (11 Nov): Oven baked chicken strips and oven fries. Raw veggies and dip sauce.
Wednesday (12 Nov): Spaghetti and salad and bread.
Thursday (13 Nov): Meatloaf (stuffed with shredded veggies) ,cous cous, rice for the boys, and corn.
Friday: Pizza and a movie.
Saturday: Maple Baked salmon, basmati rice and salad.
If anyone has a good way of making the cous cous more palatable for the boys please let me know.