Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-06

  • On the day I bring a change of clothes Quinlan decides to dump goop on his lap. #
  • Sigh, Aidan's fever is back up and his appetite is gone again. #
  • Since Aidan hasn't been fever free long enough he is still at home. I have declared today math day. He is really excited. #mathrules #
  • Math time! #
  • I just let the boys choose 10 pieces of Halloween candy to keep and they traded the rest for a colour shifter dinky each. #itworked #
  • I also am letting them control when they eat these 10 pieces. I just want it gone so Quinlan stops begging for candy. #sofarsogood #
  • Aidan's fever creeping up again. Time for a nap so he can go to piano lessons. #
  • On the upside for today we are working on math facts. Aidan does so much in his head that he just guesses on simple facts. Working 'em out. #
  • Leaves @ Dunbar Community Centre #
  • Fall @ Dunbar Community Centre #
  • Preview of tonight't blog post. #
  • New post with pretty pictures: #
  • Fuck! After Quinlan threw up on me I washed all the clothes. I forgot about my iPhone in the pocket. So much lost. #
  • Pro tip: Do not wash your iPone in the vomit laundry, or any laundry for that matter. #AllMyOwnFault #
  • I honestly feel naked without my phone. Is that a bad thing? #
  • On the upside, for you I have a giveaway: Very good odds right now. #
  • You know it is bad when you are hoping to a deity that your car has been towed. #badday #
  • stress migraine coming on. #
  • As a stress reliever, not that it worked entirely, a new post. #
  • So the car has only been towed, not stolen. It should not have been towed at all, but at least it wasn't stolen. #
  • Anyone disputed a votiy of Vancouver ticket before? There is no way I was too close to a stop sign as I was parked behind the parking sign. #
  • How the hell do I prove I wasn't too close? I don't take a picture of my car every time I park. Is the $50 worth my time and aggravation? #
  • If I do win an appeal of the ticket, will the city pay for the towing they cost me? #
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