- Bottom tier at high tea http://t.co/FvA24VG #
- After tea at the secret garden, we came to VanDusen to meet the boys and watch @bobsandlolo. #
- Sent Quinlan to be Aidan's chaperone at the @bobsandlolo concert. Random girls are holding his hands. 😉 #
- Instrument petting zoo at VanDusen http://t.co/7BJ8bMa #
- Art in VanDusen. http://t.co/a7JHXaZ #
- I almost made it! 🙂 RT @AnthonyFloyd: I love this shot of the boys at Bright Angel Point, North Rim, Grand Canyon http://t.co/4FikuSc #
- I really like this idea for the boys art http://t.co/cPDjzF0 #
- It all started with a hamper from IKEA. Now the boys room has been completely revamped with space for reading and playing. #sotired #
- Beautiful day at kits beach http://t.co/VBUAq0Z #
- Burying Nana with sand. http://t.co/Ec11b5r #
- Daddy has come home with dry ice. The boys will have lots of fun after supper. #scienceftw #
- I have a Blissdom Canada full conference pass that I need to sell. @ or DM me if you would like to buy it. #
- Off to a playdate and to blow some young minds away with dry ice. #YayForScienceInAction #
- Spent the day sewing, and wow, dolls dresses are much harder to make than I thought they would be. Still, 1 doll's dress,2 capes, 1 mini. 🙂 #
- Watched "Morning Glory" tonight & for the 1st time in a long time we enjoyed a movie. Actually had tears running down my face as I laughed. #
- Off to Tynehead to do some caching for international geocaching day. #
- Tynehead http://t.co/fkvvrmD #
- Sign http://t.co/1tGoZgM #
- House http://t.co/XyWQHfL #
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