Snow Day in Vancouver

As I write this post it is still snowing up a storm here in Vancouver.  The snow is beautiful but it brings out the crazy drivers.  Since Vancouver doesn’t have the best track record for snow clearing I declared it a snow day for Aidan.  We will probably go outside again to play in the snow, but until then we are holed up watching The Santa Clause and drinking tea.

I thought you might like some pictures from our adventures this morning, so here you go!

Quinlan excited by the snow.

Quinlan excited by the snow.

Snow Mommy!

Snow Mommy!

Aidan loving the snow.

Aidan loving the snow.

At least his mitts stayed on for a minute.

At least his mitts stayed on for a minute.

Can I catch the snow on my tongue?

Can I catch the snow on my tongue?

Yes, I can!!

Yes, I can!!

I love this picture.

I love this picture.



Happy snow day!

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2 Responses to Snow Day in Vancouver

  1. Looks like the kids had fun. We’re heading out today to buy gloves that don’t leak so the next snow day should be a lot more fun.
    .-= Marilyn @ A Lot of Loves´s last blog ..One Day- Three Ways =-.

  2. Colette says:

    Beautiful pictures! Looks like they had a lot of fun =)Too bad it’s not sticking around. We still had lots on the ground and roads this morning, but I’m sure it’s all turned to slush by now.
    .-= Colette´s last blog ..My Own Boss =-.

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