Another milestone met by my eldest boy Aidan. Another milestone met by his parents. The much anticipated first day of kindergarten. I am excited to have Aidan in “real” school.
I wasn’t too sure how Aidan was feeling about kindergarten. Most of the time Aidan was quite happy to talk about going to kindergarten and today he finally asked me what would happen if he skipped school today. I laughed a little and asked him what he wanted to do instead. He said that he wanted to stay home and play. When I informed him that if he didn’t want to go to school we would have to set up a schedule of learning time with mommy every day. He very quickly remembered that his friends would be part of the school experience. This was the first real indication that Aidan was a little nervous about going to a new school. He was used to the kids from preschool and was a little sad that none of them would be a part of his new school.
Once we started the first day of school routine and the pictures on the steps out front Aidan started to get excited about going to school. The walk took us about 22 minutes and hopefully I will keep to my resolution to walk most days.
Aidan’s teacher seems nice and I was happy to get a chance to see how she works in the classroom and how she was with the kids. While I know from experience that things are not always the same when the parents aren’t around, she had a nice easy way with the kids. This is a good thing because between her two classes she has 44 kids to work with.
I had a chance to sign up for a chat with Aidan’s new teacher and I was honest about where he is in terms of his reading ability and his tendency towards talkativeness/lecturing. I didn’t tell her that he is also adding and subtracting numbers at least up to 12 because I didn’t want to seem like I am bragging. I am so glad that she was excited that he is reading so well, it really reassured me.
I also have my first volunteer option for his classroom. When I offered to get some things for the classroom like kleenex, Mme. L asked me to make play dough. It is a good thing I have a very cool book with all kinds of recipes.
The walk home wasn’t as frantic and we took our time and got a celebratory hot chocolate from Starbucks. Both boys downed it very quickly and without mess. I was very impressed. We also managed to meet Monette and Malachi on the way home. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to chat as she was rushing to get another child from school.
When we got back to the house and changed Quinlan I took the boys out to the courtyard to play with the camera and get some better pictures of the boys. While I didn’t manage to get them together I did get some really good shots of Aidan for the first time in a long while. He actually didn’t have the “Cheese” face all the time.
All in all it was a good day. Sunshine, walking, hot chocolate, playing on a new playground, meeting new people, a pirate ship shirt (without a tie), what can be wrong with that?
I like the shirt. I noticed it right away. I’m sure K would like it.
Glad the day went well.
Does your book on crafts tell you to add Kool-aid to playdoh for colour and yummy scent?
.-= Marilyn @ A Lot of Loves´s last blog ..Gussied Up- Wednesday of Few Words =-.
Awww…. Q will miss him when he is at school.
The house sure felt quiet today with just T!
A will do great……I am sure all will love him and he will love it
.-= Crunchy Carpets´s last blog ..School Daze =-.
Such a exciting time!
The first “first” day of school is extra special. These are great pictures of the children and the pirate ship shirt is cool (or do we say “awesome” now).
I’m sure that Kathy would have made you do a webcast from the iphone all the way to school!
Hugs and kisses to all,
What a wonderful first day. Both are boys are doing so well because they have a great Mommy(and Daddy too). I love the pictures. It is nice to see Aidan without the cheese faces. Shows how handsome he is. Miss you all so much.
Love you.
Boys – XOXOXOXOXOXO, now share.
I love that: “Can I skip school today?”
Great photos!
.-= harriet´s last blog ..Searching for Jane- Finding Myself =-.
What beautiful boys! The shots are so great. The part that I love the most? That you’re walking to school. The fresh-air and exercise part aside, I bet your boys with have lovely memories of those walks for the rest of their life. It’s the little things in our daily routine that are sometimes the most special, even if we don’t think of them that way at the time.