I bit the bullet tonight and Anthony helped me get the new blog template off the ground. I loved my template but it was starting to show its age. I still have some work to do including taking a better night photograph of Vancouver, but I am pleased with how it is turning out. I really love that I have finally been able to put up some of the blog bling I have wanted to for a while. Wow was that a bad sentence, please forgive me.
Thank you Anthony for doing all the work. I love you!
I am also working on the sub pages and my about page. On the about page is the fabulous headshot that Roger Mahler of Labour Union Photographers took. I thank them for a fabulous night and making us all feel beautiful.
Keep your eyes peeled for more changes in the next few days. I can’t wait to get the rest up and running.
Looking good!
.-= Marilyn (A Lot of Loves)´s last blog ..Nice Eyes and a Bad Butt: Monday Mingle =-.
Ooh, pretty! I like!!
Me likey!
.-= Raul´s last blog ..Quantum Deli Bistro (New Westminster) =-.
It looks great! Super clean and streamlined. Very profesh.
.-= harriet´s last blog ..My Big Fat Multiracial Family =-.
Love the new look!