A New Year

Today I turned 37 and I begin my 38th year of life.  In many ways for me my birthday is much more significant as a start to a new year than January 1st.  In fact my birthday is second only to the start of a new school year for the feelings of newness.

Today I was woken by my five year old and was entertained with his reading of the birthday card he picked out for me.  It is a card that keeps unfolding until it has a huge heart saying “I Love You.”  Aidan read this to me in the best voice, that sounded a lot like an Ethel Mermen (sp?) imitation, not that either of us have actually heard her real voice.  He then asked me how old I was.  When I told Aidan that I was 37 he asked in all seriousness, “Is 37 more than 100?”  I tell you we had a quick lesson in counting and less than greater than with regards to 37 and 100.  I am happy to report that Aidan now knows definitively that 37 is MUCH less than 100.

It is now really late and the post I was planning with a recap of things I accomplished as a 36 year old and a list of goals for my year as a 37 year old will have to wait until tomorrow. Until then Happy Birthday to me and a big thank you to my mom for having me.

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2 Responses to A New Year

  1. Kelly says:

    37 with that rock star blue haircut I thought you were 27. Really 37 nah you don’t look it.

  2. Sorry I missed wishing you Happy Birthday on the actual day! Hope the carrot cake was fantabulous!
    .-= Marilyn @ A Lot of Loves´s last blog ..Pfft: Wednesday of Few Words =-.

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