Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-03

  • Can't believe I am already falling asleep in the living room. Guess I should head down to bed.When will I have energy again? 🙂 (2010?) #
  • Both boys rolling around on the floor like puppies and squealing with laughter. It is cute, but loud. #
  • As much as I am enjoying reading tweets & drafts of books, I am going to retire the laptop for the night and go take a bubble bath. Night ! #
  • Please let us not hang our hopes on Justin Trudeau to save us. He is a bit of an ass, and we need something done now! #Canadianpolitics #
  • Just because we are weary of elections doesn't mean we should quit voting, we need to get everyone off their asses and get rid of Harper. #
  • Just my small two cents worth, but it could add up if everyone actually did something. #
  • Oh & perhaps if we weren't so afraid of electoral reform we wouldn't have this problem in the first place. #Canadashouldn'tbeadictatortship. #
  • I hate it when a comment takes over and hour to write. I guess I must be a little neurotic. #
  • heading out to get a movie for family movie night, any suggestions? 🙂 #
  • Ok, I have to go now, the 4 year old is starting to yell fire! Of course he is pretending to be a fire fighter, but still. #
  • Aidan just came up with the BEST band name: There Are Never Enough Wizards. Lego Rock Band here we come! #
  • |we made the decision to watch the Sound of Music . Aidan is glued to the musical numbers. 🙂 #NewYear'sEveWithKids #
  • We got engaged just before you guys @AmberStrocel. @AnthonyFloyd proposed on Christmas Day. I can't believe it has been 10 years already. 🙂 #
  • Happy New Year everyone. Going Dark for the rest of the year! #
  • So far the sleep experiment is a colossal failure. Only Aidan and Anthony sleeping. #
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