Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-13

  • I am going for some me time and taking a nice hot bath. #
  • 1 hr 55 minute nap for Quinlan. almost an hour to get him down beforehand. Lets see how this afternoon works. 🙂 #
  • Nap number 2 take 1. Wish me luck! #
  • Nap number 2 underway. Here's hoping it lasts the 2 hours it should. Then we can put him to bed at 8. On my knees praying. #
  • Aidan is trying to convince me that instead of catching up on SYTYCDC that I like Thomas and Friends and would have more fun watching that. #
  • Nap number two aborted too early. The attempt to reset sucked. #
  • The short nursing strike (on my part) was over before it began. Q.won't be fooled by formula or pumped milk in any container not a breast. #
  • It is too bad, I really needed a nursing break. #
  • Heading to bed while I can still move. I promise to write tomorrow. Oh, & maybe buy Beatles Rock Band. And take care of the boys. And . . . #
  • Boys up and fed. Lego house (beautiful and colour coordinated) built. Now a few seconds of me time. (Who am I kidding?) #
  • Do you know how hard it is to clean up with a preschooler who needs constant direction & a baby who dumps out EVERYTHING? (+a migraine :P) #
  • Just went thrgh a few stages of Beatles RB. I'm happy to report that I'm 98-100% on most songs.(On HARD!) Is it bragging or misspent youth? #
  • RT @rickmercer: When Harper said Conservatives stand for balanced budgets and lower taxes, how did he not get a laugh? Good joke. #
  • Why can't my landlord take rent in the mail like every other decent landlord?I don't want to answer the same 3 questions 70 times this am. #
  • In fact my mood (already low) took a nosedive when I remembered. Frackity Frack Frack Frack!!!!!!! #
  • Ok, at least that was the quickest he has ever left. I must look pissed and like I just got out of bed. Which FTR, I did. #
  • I keep getting interesting emails for another Gwen Floyd. I think might like her if I met her. Unlikely as she lives in Europe. #
  • RT @Miss604 #Twestival is happening THIS SAT. Tickets are still on sale available here: {for BCChildren's Hospital] #
  • Aidan's appreciative laughter at Poko and Minus' antics are making me smile. #
  • I am so ready to . . . the boys are playing after A woke up Q. Q is so happy . . . for now. ME? Not so much. #
  • Aidan loving his healthy snack of frozen grapes. Yum! #
  • RT @BCCHF: Got your tickets? Can't wait to celebrate "Be a Superhero" wity all of you at #yvrtwestival this Sat! #
  • I just got an asthma attack because a neighbour didn't want to smoke in her house and my windows are open. Pisses me off. #
  • Caught up on my tweets, blogged and now to bed before the little one gets up again. #
  • RT @rookiemommy: If you haven't introduced your sprogs to @BobsandLolo, you should. Fantastic kids' edutainers #
  • RT @momsurvival: Check out the musical group Bobs and Lolo as our guest bloggers this week….how exciting…. #
  • RT @News1130radio: Langley SD audit fiasco: Who taught the accountants how to count?  Dozens of people with the Langle.. #
  • RT @BCCHF: $1800 so far from tickets to Twestival!Can we make it to $2000? Please support us + buy a ticket here: #
  • Heading out to Hope to drop off @AnthonyFloyd. #
  • Trying to gage when I need to leave to get @AnthonyFloyd from his 150k from Hope. I guess now is as good a time as any. 🙂 #
  • Picked up @AnthonyFloyd just over the Van/Burnaby border. He's got a bit of road rash and looks a little sun sick but is ok. Proud of him. #
  • good thing I didn't plan on going 2 #yvrtwestival. Minor biking emerg 4 my DH & he may also B sunsick. Not sure if I'll make it 2 #YMDinner #
  • Just back from dinner with some fabulous Moms. Thanks @YummyMummyClub for getting us out. Interesting conversations I'd like to continue. #
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