Delurking Day

Ok, it is time for me to find out who my readers are reader is.Β  It is delurking Day! Let me know if you actually read my smallish tomes.

BTW Delurking means that you actually comment.Β  It doesn’t need to be anymore than a hi, but it would be nice to know who is reading and maybe what you would like to see more of. (You know like me actually posting more often.) πŸ™‚

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11 Responses to Delurking Day

  1. daisybones says:

    … since nearly the beginning, yes? Never time to comment often enough. Am also quickly losing my mind. Nevermind that though… xoxo!

    daisybones’s last blog post: A Home is On Fire While I Drown

  2. Grandpa John says:

    every chance I get. Sometimes more than once!

  3. Crap!

    I was going to claim to be that reader, but I’m not even first so no one will ever buy it.

    Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah’s last blog post: Do You Know What Day it Is?

  4. Anthony says:

    Hi! :p

    Anthony’s last blog post: … and we’re back!

  5. Grandma Kathy says:

    Look forward to it and read it every day.


  6. Eden says:

    I don’t think I lurk but I can’t remember if I’m commented either πŸ™‚

    Eden’s last blog post: Snake is hat

  7. Nana says:

    I check every day that I can. ( when my computer has not been hijacked) I also re-read posts.

  8. Haley-O says:

    We are HERE We are HERE we are HERE!!! (you’ve seen Horton Hears a Who, Right?) πŸ˜‰

  9. Mrs. Flinger says:

    Day late and a dollar short as always, right here! πŸ™‚

    Mrs. Flinger’s last blog post: Come out come out wherever you are

  10. Here I am!

    Multi-Tasking Mommy’s last blog post: DeCluttering and Delurking

  11. Guider Ashley says:

    The life of the modern mother intrigues me! I check it out every couple of weeks.

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