
We finally told the parents so I can finally announce it on the blog (they read and would be a little offended to find out on the blog.) I am expecting a new little person of undetermined sex to arrive in the first week of November. That is right it is pregnancy time! Things seem to be going well, and I made it through the stomach flu hell we had with not a lot of sickness. In fact it was a little hard to tell what was flu and what was morning sickness.

Now the only thing I need is a safe cure for the sometimes migraines I am getting. They aren’t too bad considering, but I had a bad one on Thursday with no relief.

I will keep you guys updated and a little later on I might even post some belly pictures. I will warn you about those if you don’t want to see. πŸ™‚

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4 Responses to News

  1. chelle says:



    How exciting!!!!

    Take care of you!

    Thanks for the encouraging words .. always helps!

  2. daisybones says:

    Filled with baby squee for you!!!!! Have to go back & play catch-up. I somehow lost your feed when I moved to Google Reader.

    Plus, yay for Twitter friends. I am craaazy addicted;)

    {{{{ le huge hug }}}}}

  3. Haley-O says:

    Wooo!!! Congratulations Gwenny! I’m so happy AND EXCITED for you!!! Feel well! No more migraines! (I’ve been getting them since started nursing the Rascal, and I HAVE NEVER!!!! Just suffered a doozy of one this evening — with this bug of mine!!! Greeeaaat! Feel WELL!!! πŸ™‚ Congrats!!!

  4. Wow….are you still going to go to BlogHer???


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