Mighty Machines

The boy has a new obsession and it is called “Mighty Machines.” To this end we started to record them on MYTH. (A linux based PVR.) I just discovered a huge mistake we made when setting them up to record three weeks ago. This conversation is quoted verbatim from a chat Anthony and I just had.

Gwen says:
I just realized you made a big mistake with mighty machines
Anthony says:
Gwen says:
you had an episode limit
Anthony says:
Gwen says:
you erased 3 episodes
Anthony says:
Gwen says:
including the recycling episode
Anthony says:
Gwen says:
i just changed it
Anthony says:
Gwen says:

I think I am copying this for the blog
Anthony says:
Gwen says:
Anthony says:
I wonder if there’s some where we can d/l them
Anthony says:
or something
Gwen says:
I don’t know
Gwen says:
right now he is watching “Trucks, Trucks, Trucks”

Anthony says:
the good news is that they’re mostly on DVD
Gwen says:
Gwen says:
the bad?
Anthony says:
the bad news is that zip has “all about recycling” “on order”
Gwen says:
Anthony says:
might be worth a walk to Blockbuster if the weather clears up
Anthony says:
Gwen says:
Anthony says:
released July 07 …. might even have it at TRU, but it’ll be expensive for only 28 min of episode…
Anthony says:
wow, go to zip, they have tonnes
Anthony says:
ok, well, good that you caught that. sucks about the recycling episode. ah well. back to work…
Gwen says:
k, thanks

And there you have it, we don’t have Aidan’s favourite episode of “Mighty Machines” otherwise known as the NEW toddler crack. So I guess grandparents now have an idea for the birthday. 🙂

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