Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-08

  • Happy Canada Day! We are all still in pajamas and sounds of lego Starwars are emanating from upstairs. #weneededabreak #
  • Plans for a cold and supposed to be rainy July day? Join me and the boys at Hilcrest pool this morning? They need wearing out. šŸ™‚ #
  • Who needs school this week? Not Aidan. He has already spent an hour playing with circuits and is now working #
  • Having the bbq run out of propane really makes dinner cooking a little tricky, especially when it happens mid way through. #
  • Reading before bed. #
  • Quote of the morning,"I even think of cars as alive because I can always see how they are feeling." @aidanfloyd age 7 #
  • Sitting in the coal car. #
  • So holy shit wedding cards are expensive. We should have made a card and gave the couple the money. #
  • Just registered the boys for fall theatre school @carouseltheatre. Yay! #
  • Aidan's new school year keeps looking better and better. šŸ™‚ #
  • Just had the boys take part in the easiest study ever. Something to do while waiting for the dr. #
  • Waiting for a bus home. @ Talmud Torah #
  • Both boys in time out for fighting. We may not get to the bike shop afterall. Sigh. We need a backyard I can throw them in so I can work. #
  • Me too! RT @AnthonyFloyd: Man, Iā€™d love to see this RT @WiredGeekDad: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Radio Show Live #
  • Granville island picnic in the sun, finally. @ Triangle Square – Granville Island #
  • Firehose time at the water park. @ False Creek Community Centre #
  • Quinlan in tears because he is too small to go on the waterside by himself. @ False Creek Community Centre #
  • Now I understand why all the adults in bathing suits at Granville island waterpark. The littles need someone to go down the glide with them. #
  • Anyone else heading to @cbcvancouver tomorrow for the #musicalnooners The boys and I will be there. #
  • Strike while the weather is hot, well warm enough. #
  • Since the bbq is out of propane I decided to make bacon wrapped steak in the oven. I hope the smoke alarm does not go off. #fainthope #
  • Thanks to @netflix_ca my boys have discovered Sponge Bob Square Pants. I am not sure this is a good thing. #
  • Not a peep from the boys who were up early to take @anthonyfloyd to the airport & had no naps today & lots of time at the water park. #yay #
  • Sleep. Yes, that is what I need. Praying for boys who sleep in till 8. I'll take 7. #whilethemorningpersonisaway #
  • Not so happy, but calm. #
  • Loved the #musicalnooners @CBCVancouver The boys danced the day away. šŸ™‚ #
  • When we were getting off the bus near @cbcvancouver, Quinlan pipes up "this is the most famous BC place in the world." #musicalnooners #
  • if my youngest doesn't stop with the whistle soon I may have to break it. #
  • Thanks to @cbcstephenquinn Aidan's singing/saying in diff voices "I just met you, & this is crazy, so here's my number, call me maybe." #OTC #
  • Love them! MT @CarouselTheatre: One of our 4 Ariels wanted to make sure you saw her firey nails. #TSPTempest #
  • Watching Say Yes to the Dress while Andromeda waits for @AnthonyFloyd and Dianthe hides from me. At least the boys are asleep. #Fridaynite #
  • Cleaning soundtrack for this morning: Two Door Cinema and Florence and the Machine. Lots of bum shaking as we clean. #cardio #danceparty #
  • Managed cleaning up the main floor, medicating the cat & getting showered all before 11am. Not bad for a girl who didn't want to get up. #
  • Playing in the sprinkler @tjrossignol 's house. #
  • Boys eating strawberry shortcake. #yvr #summer #
  • Thanks @tjrossignol for having the boys and me over this afternoon. The boys are suitably worn out. #
  • I think the boys are asleep. Time to put my cold to bed, after I fold the mountain of laundry on my bed. Or I could just move it. Hmm . . . #
  • Time for a cut and colour. šŸ™‚ #
  • Not quite where he is supposed to be. At least he is in bed. #
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