Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-27

  • Father and son. #family @ Granville Island Public Market #
  • Nothing better than bath time and a floating island that shoots cars into the water. #latergram #
  • Working on his snap circuit set. He Is learning a lot about circuitry. #
  • He just added a resistor to quiet the speaker. #
  • Long weekend of cleaning and reorganizing. I hope to have the whole house cleaned and organized by the time my FIL is here in June. #
  • So far I am most pleased with having a clean floor in my bedroom, though the cleaned and organized cupboards in the kitchen are a close 2nd. #
  • How can it only be 10:15 pm? It feels like it should be much later. G'night all. #
  • Between migraine for me and meetings for Anthony both boys are upstairs watching mighty machines. They will be all morning at least. #
  • Hoping I can get better enough to get them outside this afternoon at least. #migrainesSuck #
  • Managed to get up long enough to get the boys some lunch. Thank you @AnthonyFloyd for making both boys lunch. Boys now down for a nap. Me 2 #
  • Poor Aaidan came into my room crying with a headache. Mine still not better. At least Q is asleep. #migrainesSuck #
  • Love seeing and hearing the glee in @aidanfloyd while he listens to the Percy Jackson series audiobooks. #booksforlife #
  • He knows what I need. 🙂 #
  • Omg I am craving caramel cakes right now. Maybe @AnthonyFloyd will make some chocolate pudding cake for desert. #hoping #
  • Still time to enter to win site tickets for the Vancouver International Children's Festival: #
  • You can tell a lot of the littles have been cooped up the last few days, they were all vibrating. 🙂 #
  • My midday cuddle companion. #
  • I still have not figured out the intricacies of toilet tag. #playground #
  • Put you foot in for tag. #
  • Just waiting for the kids. Seems like a good idea to have the run while it isn't raining. #
  • Quinlan just asked for a Halifax drink. Hmm, any ideas? #
  • .@stepc Halifax Harbour is nothing I would want to brine a turkey in. #ew #
  • How do you explain why the water supply at a girl's school in Afghanistan was poisoned? My 7 y old wants to know. #news #
  • In lieu of a Halifax drink I managed to satisfy Quinlan with a fruit and yogurt smoothie. #yayforblenders #
  • .@AnthonyFloyd not that there is anything wrong with that. 🙂 #penguinpoint #
  • Someone called my cell from PEI/NS this moring claiming I called them. Nope, no pocket dialing while I was asleep. #weirdwaytowakeup #
  • Jelly fish #unfiltered @ Vancouver Aquarium #
  • He's pretty. @ Vancouver Aquarium #
  • Clownfish @ Vancouver Aquarium #
  • Is there a vet in the house? #
  • 1 penguin, 2 penguin . . . @ Vancouver Aquarium #
  • Waiting for Penguins 4D. @ Vancouver Aquarium #
  • Here is hoping 1. That I can get into see my dr. 2. That the boys really listen as I can't speak above a whisper. #cantswallowcauseithurts #
  • Love having an idevice to facetime with the grandparents back home. We only need 1 more to get on board. 🙂 #
  • Also my throat is killing me. Off to the walk in clinic when @anthonyfloyd gets home. #sickinthesunisworse #
  • Strep throat check, feels like swallowing razors check, first dose of antibiotics check. Thinking about going to bed now until they kick in. #
  • Now cue the fever. Love, love, love being sick while the weather is nice. #
  • Rest in peace Uncle James. I love you. #
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