Bridge: The Mirriam-Webster Dictionary defines a bridge as:
1 a : a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression or obstacle b : a time, place, or means of connection or transition
I am fascinated with bridges even if I am not sure I like to be on them. I think they are beautiful. I see strength and grace in the lines and intersections of the supports.
I had this whole post worked out in my head and it has all gone to pieces. I had links between real world bridges and their strength and beauty with the way we humans can support each other. The bridge between people though sometimes tenuous can be just as strong and beautiful as the bridges I like to photograph. I think that right now we need those bridges.
Until I can figure out how to say what I need to I will leave you with a few photographs that I am particularly proud of. They are all of one of the bridges in Fremont, Washington home of Groundspeak.
Bridges are interesting structures. I think it’s interesting how so many people are drawn to look at different bridges around the world. I can name so many famous bridges – perhaps more than buildings even.
.-= Marilyn (A Lot of Loves)´s last blog ..This is Why I Don’t Like Lemony Snicket =-.
You will have to be one of the strongest bridges right now. That is why you cannot write about it coherently. I will try to be a support and not a weight.
In many countries it’s illegal to take photos of bridges. Lucky we are! Great photos.
.-= harriet´s last blog ..How important is pregnancy in parenthood =-.