When life gets too busy, or if I find I am feeling under the weather, or if I just feel the need to watch some well written vampire lore, Buffy is my go to gal. I love the way the writers use language. Each character has their own unique way of speaking, and the show references literature and history and pop culture with ease.
I love that the show was not afraid to take risks. The relationship between Willow and Tara was groundbreaking in its treatment of a lesbian relationship on prime-time tv. It was also groundbreaking in its treatment of the female heroine. No need to have the female lead be rescued, she is the one who does the rescuing.
The last reason this is my go to program are the vampires. As good looking as Angel is, Spike is my kind of vampire. No namby pamby sparklers on this show. The vampires are real and raw and a little bit bad boy. Even the most evil demons and vampires have real emotions and something to make them relatable. In the early seasons Spike’s relationship with Drucilla it his one redeeming feature. As the seasons progressed so did Spike’s character. While he was always interesting and loved hard, the way he fought for his soul and then the subsequent attack of madness was genius.
If you haven’t had a chance to see the genius that is Joss Whedon’s work check out Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly. If you want to just check out his sense of humour Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog will make a Whedon fan out of you.
Seen all 7 seasons! Love the Hallowe’en silent episode and the Musical ep. The most recent Glee was directed by Joss (yes, we’re on a first-name basis).
.-= harriet´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
LOVE Spike. Although, I liked Angel more when he had his own show (not to mention, I LOVE Mr. Boreanaz in “Bones”). And Mr. Anthony Stewart-Head. Lots of drool worthy men on that show.
And I agree with Harriet above, the Hallowe’en silent episode and the musical episode were awesome! Although, the silent creepy guys really creeped me out. *shudder*.
You and me need a tea date soon. It’s been too long!
.-= Colette´s last blog ..Flip-Flopping =-.
Firefly is one of the TV Series that was created by Joss Whedon. I love Firefly so much but it does not have Season 2.`*:
Joss Whedon is a great director, most of the science fiction series that i love are created by him..”