I have realized that change doesn’t come easily to me. I have had the same blog template and header, and for that matter tag line for over 4 years. Even when we changed over to our own domain the overall feel of the blog template has stayed the same. I have been saying for over a year now that I need to make some changes. I wanted to at least change the picture for the masthead and I haven’t come up with one I like.
I am trying to figure out why the change is so hard for me. I know what I want and I can’t find the right theme? Well that is certainly part of it. I want a clean page with two columns. I want a black and white picture for the masthead with a pop of saturated colour. I want to be in the picture (I think) but I also want to feature the city. Besides I often don’t like my own pictures. I am planning to axe my current blogroll which is terribly outdated and feature a few blogs that I always read, mostly local. I plan to get rid of the outdated buttons and add a few that aren’t. I want to have a few pages on tabs under the masthead including a very late about page and a few others. I want a twitter feed, and threaded comments.
So this is a bit of a warning, there will be changes but I am not sure how fast they will be coming.
Ooo! It will be fun to watch. 🙂 Can’t wait to see all the new stuff! How about a photo of you with the skyline in the background?
You DID change your header. Why did you switch back? Too Olympic-y?
I know how you feel about change. I’ve been researching my switch to WordPress for months now. It’s tiresome. I just need to do it. (Except I had some major comments issues with stupid Disqus and now if I switch I will apparently lose them all. &^$%!) Whatever back to you.
I think change will be great. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
.-= Marilyn @ A Lot of Loves´s last blog ..Sidewalk Chalk: Wednesday of Few Words =-.