Twitter Updates for 2009-07-07

  • RT @Karismahotels: A trip for a tweet! We’re choosing our last winner for the 5-night vacation @ 6pm ET. Just tweet #karismahotels to enter! #
  • Love wine? Want to help me win Olympic tickets? Join @UrbanReserve and tell them Gwen Floyd sent you. Please? #
  • It looks like my sister will be in town for Thanksgiving. It will be fun to show her Vancouver. (Plus free babysitting!) #
  • I must be the only person who thinks Target is a lot like Zellers. I just don’t get it. #
  • RT @rkymountainkid: 2nd time we have ever had a 25% off sale. Use the code “summer25” to save 25% off orders until midnight July 9 #
  • Aidan just told me he grew up. “I am an adult now,” he says. All hear now is “I’m an adult now,” by TPOH. #
  • On Being Savvy Vancouver: Tips for finding a babysitter. #
  • The song that started it all. Aidan saying “I am an adult now.” ? #
  • For @yoyomama_van She Ain’t Pretty ? #
  • #moreobscurecanadianbands Holy 80’s flashback batman! ? #
  • This is the song that started my 80’s kick today. Love to harmonize with them. ? #
  • These guys helped to keep the 80’s going. My kids are going to be so cool. 😀 ? #
  • and the night time cold pills are kicking in. Gotta go before I fall aslzzzzzz #
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