Rockabye in Vancouver

Last night (well Tuesday night now) I was very happy to take a night off Guides and go to a book reading for Rebecca Woolf’s book Rockabye. I had been looking forward to this night for a few weeks, not only because it meant I had another opportunity to meet some bloggers I had been reading for a while. Yes I was looking forward to another night out by myself.

I knew where Sophia Books was because in my ESL teacher days I taught right across the street and would treat myself once a week to browsing either Sophia Books or Ward Music. Now oddly enough this part of town makes a lot of people nervous because of its proximity to the downtown eastside, but for me I was much more comfortable there than leaving the Wet Coast Women dinner a few weeks ago. When I was taking the bus home I needed to walk about 10 blocks to get to the stop and no one bothered me.

The first person I spotted when I was walking toward the bookstore was Kristin Darguzas of Parent Dish, with her son. I knew that she was in Vancouver, but this was the first time I had a chance to meet her in person. I decided not to be shy and introduced myself. She actually recognized me from comments I had made on posts of hers. She even remembered the blog name. I am glad she did because it made feel a little less stalkerish.


Rebecca was very gracious and cute. She spoke well and was lovely to all the people who made it out to see her. I met up with Maryann of Mother-Woman, and Kerry of Crunchy Carpets both Wet Coast Women with me. ( As an aside when Rebecca asked me if I knew Maryann of Mo-Wo and I didn’t realized she was talking about Mother Woman, can you say dumb? Oh well, it was obvious afterwards that I did know her. ) The reading went very well and was engaging. In fact it was kind of like talking frankly with your girlfriends (well with a few men in attendance trying not to cringe while we talked about some of the realities of childbirth) and by the end we were, friends that is.


As I am now becoming incoherent I will post a review of Rebecca’s book sometime tomorrow. I will also cross-post this on the Wet Coast Women site along with my review of Rockabye.


Kerry and Rebecca


You wouldn’t believe that Rebecca is due a few weeks before me. She looks fantastic.

This entry was posted in blogging, Book Talk, Gwen, Rockabye, Wet Coast Women. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Rockabye in Vancouver

  1. Awesome…..
    And I don’t look THAT huge beside the Amazon Rebecca…who IS gorgeous and funny!

    I do need to post about it all..but please cross post..

  2. Looks like a good time. Sorry I couldn’t join in.

  3. It was so fantastic meeting you, Gwen! Thanks for coming to the reading and hope you dig the book! Lots of love, mama.

  4. Nicole says:

    I was unable to attend – although I wanted to. Normally, I would have hopped down there after work, but I didn’t actually go in yesterday.

    It looks like a great time 🙂

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